Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Kadang-kadang aku rindukan zaman silam aku.Masa di mana aku baru nak mengenal dunia luar yang penuh dengan dugaan dan rintangan.Memang betul kata orang,kalau tak pandai bawa diri,nanti kita sendiri akan terima akibat nya.Dah banyak perkara dan kejadian pahit dan manis yang sentiasa berlegar-legar di fikiran sehingga sekarang.

Kawan sentiasa datang dan pergi tanpa di pinta.Dah macam-macam jenis orang yang aku kenal.Tak kira lah tua dan muda.Gengster?.Kaki pukul?.Kaki mabuk?.Most of people that i know have their own past and history.These people has their own value of life eventhough they were a bad person in their own past.Aku suka campur dengan orang-orang mcm ni.Berkongsi pendapat dan kisah masing-masing demi untuk panduan hidup aku akan datang.

Dosa dah bertimbun-timbun dah ni.Masa kecik-kecik dulu takut sangat nak buat dosa-dosa besar.Bila dah meningkat dewasa ni,sedar tak sedar senang-senang je boleh buat dosa.Memang kita tahu kita akan buat dosa,tapi nafsu dan keinginan melebihi segalanya.Dosa yang di buat tak terhitung banyaknya,sedangkan amalan tidak seberapa.

Aku seringkali mengingatkan diri supaya tidak tewas kepada hawa nafsu yang di dorong oleh syaitan durjana.Kita hanya lah hamba dan insan yang lemah di sisi Yang Maha Berkuasa.Amalan yang dilakukan boleh di hitung dengan jari.Ya,setiap orang akan mati.Aku juga seorang yang takut mati.Aku berfikir sampai bila aku terus bergelumang dengan dosa dan hati aku juga seakan gelap kerana aku sering terlupa dan terleka dengan nikmat dunia yang sementara ini.

Aku bukan lah orang alim dan baik kerana sudah banyak perkara-perkara yang aku buat dan melanggar hukum dan arahan sebagai seorang hamba.Aku akan cuba menjadi insan yang lebih baik dan sentiasa beringat kerana kita hidup sementara di dunia ini.Ya Allah,berikan lah hamba mu ini petunjuk dan pedoman supaya sentiasa beringat kepada mu ya Allah.Amin.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Women and dota player.

Great Concentration
1. A man whoplays DotA will pay alot of concentration in the game because he is in love with the game. This is good in the future as they would love their own choice of job. Plus, the sexiest manly moment comes when they are concentrating in doing something so you should find a chance to look at him while he is playing DotA then you will understand what I am saying is the truth.

Dont Give Up Easily
2. DotA players do not give up easily and it's the same spirit like athlete in sports. Besides that, they have the experience to resist failure for example DotA players tend to argue and scold each other noobs if you do not have that positive attitude to resist, you might already given up (applies in real life).
Guys who play DotA do not give up easily in real life too =D.

3. In DotA no matter how badly you had been pawned and bullied, you must have the gentlemen attitude and accept the truth, game end, defeated, bullied, tortured, yet you have to say GG (Good Game). To be straightforward, DotA players are humble and careful which is a good requirement for choosing a husband =P

Very Patient
4. Extremely Patient-The game doesnt begin with a win, DotA players fight their best to earn a favourable situation by planning, farming, ganking or breaking towers, they need to slowly control the possession with patient n calamity in their mind. So choose a husband that is so patient la.. Can live forever with him peacefully

A Very Good Sandbag
5. Solid defending attitude- Every DotA players surely had been fully skilled and torture by their opponent before and surely had been torment to unavoidable death. Since they already know their fate, they still put on a smiling face. It means that it is great to have a boyfriend that you can scold and hit yet still smiling. So, if you wanna beat your partner, he will let you beat.

Very careful, Very Observant
6. Cause DotA is a game that must observe your surroundings so you can sense what your partner feels la.. and very considerate.

Alert & React Faster
7. DotA players response faster than you think, they are very alert. Their response are obviously faster compare to non-DotA players. So pick a guy that knows how to response spontaneously to be your life partner.. Not necessarily Jet Li or Jackie Chan but pick a guy that is smarter (DotA players =DD)

Good Knowledge In Handling Computers & Internet
8. You can randomly choose a DotA player and he will talk to you 3 days 3 nights from choosing a system unit to a mouse to a keyboard until how to operate it to the requirements required or keeping yourself up-to-date to the recent technology. In the future, surely computer and internet will dominate the world so choose a guy that knows how to operate computer and internet to be a husband else go out laugh by people.

Can Accept Shocking News Or Pressure Easily
9. No matter you are ready or not you will be gank by the enemies. Dunno when you will die out of sudden also. So every DotA players are not afraid of anything that suddenly occur to them. In life we always have problems and problems, if a man give up easily when facing a problem, do you still choose him as your life partner?

Good Planners
10. Knowing what to do every moment is the basic instinct a DotA player should be very good at. Means DotA players should know what to do always in planning, ganking, calculating opponent level and experience, watching their steps where they would appear next, spotting the enemy gathering spot and the way they attack. They will manage their life properly for example next day is your birthday party, should plan ahead and nicely. Next day go buy rice and also remember to buy sauce.

Know How To Earn Money
11. In DotA money is the main source of income, no money equals to no items, no items equals to no matter how you play also wasting time. So every DotA players also got a very good habit, earning money, after farming so hard to earn the money, finally can buy the item they want after saving it for so long, Sacred Relic (3800 gold). So find a DotA player, means finding a man who earn money and save it so your future will be very nice. At least husband earn, and wife spend.

Very Good In Resisting Beautiful And Sexy Gals.
12. When facing beautiful gals like Lina, you wont even give her a chance to seduce you, sending her to her base immediately. So find a DotA player, gals sure no need to worry, they are very loyal.

13. DotA players are willing to sacrifice themselves for the team. Sacrifice their lives in order to make sure their attacker earn money easily in the end. This kind of people in family or in society can think and care of others and do not have a selfish attitude.

In conclusion, not every DotA player can do very well for the points mentioned above but it does not mean they do not have the ability, is you have not discover and investigate the possibility. So give them more time, else you may regret for whole life. DotA is not only a sports or match for testing skills with opponent, it is also one of the important tool for a gal to choose their life partner. Choose a DotA player, it is the way to pursue happiness =DD

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Mungkin ada sesetengah orang je yang tau pasal game ni.Tapi bagi aku game ni dah menjadi sebahagian dari rutin harian aku.Aku tak sangka pulak aku dah mcm addict dengan dota.Bagi kaum Adam,hampir kesemuanya tau tentang benda ni. Aku jugak tau mesti ada kaum Hawa yang rasa macam menyampah je sebab mungkin bf korang agak sibuk dan tak pedulikan korang bila bermain dota ni.

Aku tahu mesti kaum Hawa tertunggu-tunggu sebab bf korang ni lambat sangat nak reply mesej tu.Tapi korang kena tau bukan senang budak lelaki ni nak reply benda-benda tu semua.Jadi, korang fikir lah..:)

Main dota ni memang lah pasal menang dan kalah.Tapi ada segelintir manusia yang bawak situasi game ni ke luar.Ada yang sampai bergaduh, nak bertumbuk bagai.Orang-orang mcm ni terikut sangat dengan emosi tanpa mempedulikan orang lain.Aku tak faham dengan orang-orang mcm ni.Aku sendiri pun selalu jugak terikut-ikut dengan emosi sampai marah maki kawan aku sendiri masa main Dota ni.Tapi dalam game je lah,lepas tu kitaorang jadi baik semula.Biasa lah nama pun game.Sorry la bro.Haha.

Nak cakap pasal dota ni memang tak habis.Aku beritahu sikit je lah pasal dota ni supaya orang-orang kat luar sana tahu sedikit sebanyak pasal game ni.Aku tulis apa yang aku rasa dan aku lihat.

Kepada para pemain dota di luar sana.Semoga anda semua menjadi pemain dota yang pro.Aku pun bukan bagus mana pun.But im not noob.haha..Peace.:)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Teman hidup.

Kadang-kadang aku rasa macam malas nak pikir pasal sesuatu hubungan.Tapi bila di fikirkan balik agak lama jugak aku tak berpasangan ni.Mungkin memang tak da chemistry dengan ex gf aku tu.Aku rasa dy mcm dah berbahagia kot sekarang.Kira okay lah tu ada life sendiri.Aku tak nak dah fikir benda yang dah lama lepas ni.

Aku bukan nya kacak mana pun nak demand-demand sangat ni.Tapi ramai orang cakap aku ni memilih la apa lah.Bukan nya soal tu,aku nak cari orang yang kena dengan jiwa dan perangai aku yang tak berapa betul ni.Kang tersalah pilih aku jugak yang susah nanti.Lagi satu sifat aku dari dulu yang agak pemalu ni mungkin la buat aku agak lambat sikit nak cari pasangan.

Jiwang ke apa ke aku tak kisah.Style aku bila aku dah suka kat seseorang tu baru la sifat pemalu aku tu hilang dan cuba untuk mengambil hati orang yang aku suka tu.Aku ni susah sikit nak mengalah.Sebelum ni ada la tapi biasalah perempuan kalau dah agak cantik memang liat la nak dapat.Setakat berkawan tu ada lah.

Entah bila masa pun aku tak tahu.Masa ni ada seseorang yang aku rasa dy nak aku jadi kekasih dia.Aku kalau dah layan kawan walaupun agak kasar tetapi tetap nak buat dia gembira jugak.Benda ni yang dah buat dia salah erti.Serba salah aku di buatnya.

Sekarang ni aku hanya mampu mencuba dan terus melangkah sunyi tanpa terus memikirkan benda ni.Ya,walaupun aku senyum aku tetap rasa cemburu bila kawan-kawan ada orang di sayangi di sisi mereka.

Masa yang akan menentukan.Kita hanya mampu merancang,Yang maha Esa yang menentukan segalanya.